“You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain.” — Miyamoto Musashi

Everybody has heard the metaphor that people use to describe how life is full of problems that you need to conquer; usually something along the lines of “Push to the top” or “Keep climbing.” Obviously these metaphors hold some value because people repeat them on their way to success, but just as many people forget that there’s more than one path to the top of any mountain.

Our problems in our day to day lives can appear bigger and stronger than us sometimes. Probably most of the time now that I think about it. Many end up faced against a problem that they’ll think they just can’t move over, around, or through. Honestly, it’s life draining. That problem becomes so huge that it’s all they can think about, and their life revolves around it to the point that it’s entirely consumed. 

During these times it’s important to remember that there’s always more than one approach to solving problems. If one way doesn’t work, you pivot and try again. Keeping the current theme of martial arts going, we see opponents testing each other’s reaction time and formulating a plan to break through their defense before moving. We really see the difference when we compare an amateur to a professional — an amateur will throw out random moves they’ve learned in hopes that one might work, while a professional will make space while they think about which technique to use with precision. 

Keeping this in mind, we can apply it to our every day life. If our current plan of action isn’t working, then trying to push through it with brute force won’t work. Instead, we need to take a step back and view the problem objectively and without emotion. Then and only then will we be able to come up with an appropriate plan that outmaneuvers our problems.




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