“While we wait for life, life passes.” — Seneca

Seneca was a Roman philosopher during the first phase of Emperor Nero’s reign. He was also a tragedian, meaning he had to think about why tragedy happened and what caused us to react the way we do.

Many people have a problem — they end up stuck in their own minds, thinking about everything that could happen, but they never actually start doing anything. These people literally spend all day every day thinking about different ways things could happen.

Seneca understood this problem, and he knew that while people spent time thinking about what COULD happen, things WERE happening. This quote really is as simple as it looks, and there isn’t really any underlying theme to it.

In order for us to break free from this bad habit of thinking instead of doing, we need to look at when we’re wasting time thinking. Is it at night when you’re laying in bed? Is it during your break at work? Or is it when you get home and you think about the things that you want to do? Chances are, there’s some kind of time throughout the day where you worry about things. This wastes the time you have. 

The good thing about this, however, is that this habit of overthinking is just that: a habit. If you’ve looked at my previous blog posts you know that habits are breakable. I encourage you to review those for methods on breaking habits.

What do you think? What do you worry about when nothing else is happening? How do you stop yourself from overthinking? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. Also, feel free to like this post and share it on your social media — your friends and family could use the information here! Stay tuned for future blog posts every Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, and try to be the reason someone smiles today 🙂


I know this post is quite a bit shorter than most of my other ones, but I wanted to keep it simple this time. This quote is possibly the worst one to overthink.