“All procrastination is just fear.” — Unknown

In the last post we talked about procrastination and why it’s important to just keep moving — and eventually how those tiny movements will add up to contribute to your success. In fact, we’ve talked about that concept quite a bit about a year ago, and the more that I think about it the more I begin to realize that one of our biggest problems is procrastination. We procrastinate getting work done. We procrastinate speaking to people or having difficult conversations. We procrastinate learning. Because of this, I’ve decided it’s best to put a majority of my work towards discussing procrastination, why it happens, and how we prevent it.

Until then, let’s stick to today’s quote. 

Procrastination is simply fear of the unknown, which is a weird concept to think about, and it might not even seem like it’s true at first. After all, people usually procrastinate simply because they don’t want to do something… right?

Well yes, but it’s important to take a step further into that idea. Why is it that we feel like doing some things but not others? This question can be answered when we think about the things we enjoy doing as humans: sleeping, eating, relaxing, and playing (because we’re all still children at heart). This reminds us that we enjoy doing things because of the positive benefits we can get from them — sleeping gives us more energy, eating satisfies our stomach and nourishes us, relaxing gives us time to think, and playing allows our minds to wander. 

When we think of things in this way, it becomes apparent that we procrastinate because we’re scared or worried that we might not be given those positive benefits that we desire so badly. Or even worse — we might have to give up some of what we already have. People are made to seek out things with little to no risk in exchange for high reward. Although this is great at times and keeps us safe, it can get in the way. If we don’t risk anything then we might be safe, but we also won’t gain anything either. Knowing this, we have to ask ourselves an important question: do we want to push through a little bit of pain and be disciplined? Or would we rather choose to do nothing and settle for what we’ve got?

We’ll explore this idea more in future blog posts, so definitely be sure to think of questions that you can leave in the comment section. Leaving questions and feedback allows me to understand what I should address next, which is a good thing for both of us. Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram, Tik Tok , Facebook, and Twitter @iamchrisgoode so that we can grow our community!